UNHCR expresses its concerns regarding the risks related to onward movements of persons of concern from Iran to Turkey
UNHCR expresses its concerns regarding the risks related to onward movements of persons of concern from Iran to Turkey
DO NOT believe rumours or informal information circulating on social media about movement to other countries, including Turkey and Europe.
DO NOT believe what smugglers, human traffickers or others who may be posing as travel guides are promising. In order to undertake international travel, you need a valid travel document. If you are travelling without valid documentation (passport and visa), smugglers and human traffickers may take advantage of you, including by asking you to pay large sums of money.
DO NOT put yourself, your family or your children at risk by crossing borders without valid documentation; you may risk arrest, deportation to your country of origin and annulment of your Amayesh card.
Please remember that all services provided by UNHCR to refugees are free of charge. Do report any case of misconduct or request of money in relation to resettlement to UNHCR.
For more information, please email us at [email protected] or call one of our offices:
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