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How to keep studying during the Ukraine situation

As part of responding to higher education in emergencies, this page aims to serve as a collection of various initiatives and resources developed to assist Ukrainian students and academics and help ensure their safety and access to higher education.

You can learn more about the Ukraine emergency here

According to the latest available data, it is estimated that 83% of Ukrainian youth between the ages of 18-24 were enrolled in higher education (UIS, 2014). Since the start of the war, academic institutions in Ukraine have been shut down. Many in the higher education community have already mobilized in response to the Ukraine situation – opening dormitories as temporary housing, creating scholarship places for refugee students, delivering language classes and more.

The following list contains higher education resources and initiatives for students and academics affected by the situation in Ukraine.

This list of resources includes links to other websites that are owned and operated by third parties, not under the control of UNHCR. UNHCR is not responsible for the content of any linked site.

General resources and initiatives

Collection of resources and initiatives

Scholarships, Job Offers and Research Fellowships

Other Tools and Procedures

According to the latest available data, it is estimated that 83% of Ukrainian youth between the ages of 18-24 were enrolled in higher education (UIS, 2014). Since the start of the war, academic institutions in Ukraine have been shut down. Many in the higher education community have already mobilized in response to the Ukraine situation – opening dormitories as temporary housing, creating scholarship places for refugee students, delivering language classes and more.

The following list contains higher education resources and initiatives for students and academics affected by the situation in Ukraine.

This list of resources includes links to other websites that are owned and operated by third parties, not under the control of UNHCR. UNHCR is not responsible for the content of any linked site.

General resources and initiatives

Collection of resources and initiatives

Scholarships, Job Offers and Research Fellowships

Other Tools and Procedures

Country-specific resources and initiatives

Country-specific resources and initiatives

Czech Republic
United Kingdom
United States