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World Refugee Day 2003 National Activity Plan: Bulgaria

World Refugee Day 2003 National Activity Plan: Bulgaria

1 April 2003


Students and academics will participate in an open discussion on the theme, "Refugee Youth: Building the Future." There will be presentations by UNHCR and its partners - including the Office of the President of Bulgaria, the Office of the Prime Minister, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and other ministries, State Agency for Refugees and other partner organisations, New Bulgarian University, Greek (EU Chairmanship) Ambassador, and refugees in Bulgaria. Refugees and students will have a chance for dialogue. The event will take place either in late May or early June.

On June 19, a joint press conference will be held by UNHCR and its partner organisations (State Agency for Refugees, State Agency for Child Protection, Bulgarian Red Cross, Bulgarian Helsinki Committee, ACET, the Council of Refugee Women, and Caritas Bulgaria).

On June 20, the Bulgarian Red Cross and the Council of Refugee Women in Bulgaria will organise a fundraising event that will include lunch, an art exhibition and a bazaar. The Ministry of Labour and Social Policy, State Agency for Child Protection, UNHCR and its partners will also be contributing to the event.

A UNHCR film about refugee youth, "Facing Our Future," will be broadcast on television on June 20.