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IKEA Foundation

“We support UNHCR programmes to help those who are forced to flee their homes become economically self-reliant, so they can better support their families and communities. Our commitment to their work has already made a meaningful impact by bringing multiple parties together to work on lasting solutions.”

About the partnership

Since: 2010

Locations: The partnership’s current geographic focus is on four countries in eastern Africa - Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda and Uganda.

Since 2010, IKEA Foundation has contributed to UNHCR activities in 16 countries:

  • Afghanistan (GIK only)
  • Algeria
  • Bangladesh
  • Burkina Faso
  • Chad
  • Ethiopia
  • Kenya
  • Kyrgyzstan (GIK only)
  • Jordan
  • Lebanon (GIK only)
  • Nepal
  • Pakistan
  • Rwanda
  • Sudan
  • Syria (GIK only)
  • Tunisia (GIK only)

UNHCR and IKEA Foundation have built a unique and innovative partnership that has been transformative for UNHCR. It has introduced new ways of working and has deeply influenced how the organization partners with the private sector, particularly when it comes to access to clean energy as well as economic and financial inclusion.

Since 2010, IKEA Foundation has committed more than USD 198 million dollars in both cash and in-kind donations to UNHCR's programmes. This strategic partnership shows how global companies can provide solutions that really work, helping us to respond in emergencies, identify and scale new ideas, and create more opportunities for refugees to lead dignified lives.

Impact at a glance

  • Hundreds of thousands of refugees and host community members have seen improvements in their lives and livelihoods
  • Significant visibility has been generated for UNHCR and for the refugee cause among millions of IKEA customers and co-workers
  • The partnership’s emphasis on self-reliance of refugees has generated huge interest within and beyond the humanitarian sector 

Contact us

If you are interested in exploring a partnership with UNHCR, please contact us at