Ad Hoc Committee on Refugees and Stateless Persons, Report of the Drafting Committee on Articles of the Draft Convention relating to the Status of Refugees (E/AC.32/L.40 and E/1703/Add.7)
Ad Hoc Committee on Refugees and Stateless Persons, Report of the Drafting Committee on Articles of the Draft Convention relating to the Status of Refugees (E/AC.32/L.40 and E/1703/Add.7)
Article 2 General obligations
Every refugee has duties to the country in which he finds himself, which require in particular that he conform to its laws and regulations as well as to measures taken for the maintenance of public order
Article 3 Non-discrimination
No Contracting State shall discriminate against a refugee within its territory on account of his race, religion, or country of origin, or because he is a refugee.
Article 4 Exemption from reciprocity
1. except where this Convention contains more favourable provisions a Contracting State shall accord to refugees the same treatment as is accorded to aliens generally.
2. Where aliens enjoy rights and benefits subject to reciprocity, a Contracting State shall continue to accord these rights and benefits, without regard to reciprocity, to a refugee who was already entitled to enjoy them on the date on which this Convention comes into force in relation to that State.
As regards other refugees a Contracting State shall accord the same rights ad benefits to them, without regard to reciprocity, when they shall have been resident in its territory for a certain period.
3. The provisions of paragraph 2 apply equally to the rights and benefits referred to in articles 8, 13, 14 and 16 of this Convention as well as to rights and benefits other than those specified in this Convention.
Article 5 Exemption from exceptional measures Deferred
Article 6 Continuity of residence
The Contracting States agree that:
1. Where a refugee has been forcibly displaced during the Second World War and removed to the territory of a Contracting State, and is residing there, the period of such enforced sojourn shall be considered to have been lawful residence within that territory;
2. Where a refugee has been forcibly displaced during the Second World War from the territory of a Contracting State and has subsequently returned there, the period of residence before and after such enforced displacement shall be regarded as one uninterrupted period for any purpose for which uninterrupted residence is required.
Article 7 Personal status
1. The personal status of a refugee shall be governed by the law of the country of his domicile or, if he has no domicile, by the law of the country of his residence.
2. Rights dependent on personal status, more particularly rights attaching to marriage, previously acquired by a refugee, shall be respected by a Contracting State, subject to compliance, if this be necessary, with the formalities prescribed by the law of the country of his domicile, or, if he has no domicile, by the law of the country of his residence.
Article 8 Movable and immovable property
The Contracting States shall accord to a refugee treatment as favourable as possible and, in any event, not less favourable than that accorded generally to aliens in the same circumstances as regards the acquisition of movable and immovable property and other rights pertaining thereto, and to leases and other contracts relating to movable and immovable property.
Article 9 Artistic rights and industrial property
In respect of the protection of industrial property, such as inventions, industrial designs or models, trade marks, trade names, etc., and of rights in literary, scientific and artistic works, a refugee shall be accorded in the country in which he is resident the same protection as is accorded to nationals of that country. In the territory of any other Contracting State, he shall be accorded the same protection as is accorded in that territory to nationals of the country in which he is resident.
Article 10 Rights of Association
As regards non-profit making associations and trade unions the Contracting States shall accord to refugees lawfully in their territory the most favourable treatment accorded to aliens generally.
Article 11 Access to Courts
1. A refugee shall have free access to the courts of law in the territory of the Contracting States.
2. In the country in which he has his habitual residence, a refugee shall enjoy in this respect the same rights and privileges as a national. He shall, on the same conditions as a national, enjoy the benefit of legal assistance and be exempt from cautio judicatum solvi.
3. In countries other than that in which he has his habitual residence, a refugee shall be accorded in these matters the treatment granted to a national of the country of his habitual residence.
Article 12 Wage-earning employment
1. The Contracting States shall accord to refugees lawfully in their territory the most favourable treatment accorded to nationals of a foreign country in the same circumstances, as regards the right to engage in wage-earning employment.
2. In any case, restrictive measures imposed on aliens or the employment of aliens for the protection of the national labour market shall not be applied to a refugee who was already exempt from them at the date of entry into force of this Convention for the Contracting States concerned, or who fulfils one of the following conditions:
(a) He has completed three years' residence in the country;
(b) He has a spouse possessing the nationality of the country of residence;
(c) He has one or more children possessing the nationality of the country of residence.
3. The Contracting States shall give sympathetic consideration to assimilating the rights of all refugees in this regard to those of nationals, and in particular those refugees who have entered their territory pursuant to programmes of labour recruitment or under immigration schemes.
Article 13 Self-employment
The Contracting States shall accord to a refugee lawfully in their territory treatment as favourable as possible, and in any event, not less favourable than that accorded generally to aliens in the same circumstances, as regards the right to engage in agriculture, industry, handicrafts and commerce and to establish commercial and industrial companies.
Article 14 Liberal professions
1. The Contracting States shall accord to refugees lawfully in their territory who hold diplomas recognized by the competent authorities of the country of residence, and who are desirous of practising a liberal profession, treatment as favourable as possible, and in any event, not less favourable than that accorded generally to aliens in the same circumstances.
2. The Contracting States shall use their best endeavours consistently with their laws and constitutions to secure the settlement of such refugees in their colonies, protectorates or in Trust Territories under their administration.
Article 15 Rationing
Where a rationing system exists, which applies to the population at large and regulates the general distribution of products in short supply, refugees shall be treated on the same footing as nationals.
Article 16 Housing
As regards housing, the Contracting States in so far as the matter is regulated by laws or regulations, or is subject to the control of public authorities, shall accord to refugees lawfully in their territory treatment as favourable as possible and, in any event, not less favourable than that accorded generally to aliens in the same circumstances.
Article 17 Public education
1. The Contracting States shall accord to refugees the same treatment as is accorded to nationals with respect to elementary education.
2. The Contracting States shall accord to refugees the most favourable treatment accorded to nationals of a foreign country with respect to education other than elementary education as regards, for example, access to studies, the remission of fees and charges and the award of scholarships.
Article 18 Public relief
The Contracting States shall accord to refugees lawfully in their territory the same treatment with respect to public relief and assistance as is accorded to nationals.