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Donor Survey

Your Feedback Means a Lot to Us!

Thank you for taking part in our 2018 Donor Survey and helping us understand the areas of our work you feel most passionate about. Here are some of your comments and we will continue to listen to you and make further improvements based on your feedback.

Text and media

73% like to see how refugees’ lives have been improved

63% enjoy seeing progress updates and financial reports

60% look for what refugees need to improve their lives


Text and media

93% think it helps them understand refugees’ need

91% think there is sufficient communication

91% think it helps them understand UNHCR’s work


Text and media

91% consider the report is easy to understand

88% believe it does the job of showing how refugees’ lives have been improved

87% consider the number of reports received is sufficient


Text and media

50% Public exhibitions

49% Sharing sessions by frontline staff

38% Movie screenings
