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Fuji Optical Co., Ltd.

“Improved eyesight would provide an opportunity for refugees to focus on their future.””

Dr Akio Kanai, CEO, Fuji Optical


About the partnership

Since: 1984

Locations: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Kenya, Nepal, Tanzania, Thailand

Fuji Optical is one of UNHCR’s longest-standing private sector partners. It has been working with UNHCR since 1984 to provide clear sight to thousands of refugees around the world, as part of its corporate vision: ‘Good Vision, Good Life’. 

As of July 2018, Fuji Optical had donated 162,960 pairs of glasses to people forced to flee, vastly improving their quality of life. 

Fuji Optical has supported UNHCR financially since 1987 and, in 2013, decided to donate a total of US$1 million in 10 annual installments to mark the 30th anniversary of the partnership. In 2018, it pledged a further US$2 million in installments until 2027. In all, as of September 2018, Fuji Optical has contributed US$899,360 to UNHCR’s work. 

In recognition of his life-changing work with UNHCR, Fuji Optical’s CEO, Dr Akio Kanai, received the Nansen Refugee Award in 2006.  

Impact at a glance

  • 162,960 pairs of glasses provided to refugees           
  • 1984 was the start of the partnership, making Fuji Optical UNHCR’s longest-standing private sector partner           
  • 2006 Nansen Refugee Award given to Dr Akio Kanai, CEO of Fuji Optical
Contact us

If you are interested in exploring a partnership with UNHCR, please contact us at