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Resources for employers in Latvia

Resources for employers in Latvia

On this page, you can find all the necessary information about employing refugees in Latvia, including the legal and administrative framework, useful resources, and success stories.

We use "refugees" to encompass forcibly displaced people with different legal statuses, such as refugees, subsidiary protection holders, temporary protection holders, asylum seekers, and others needing international protection.

In cases where differentiating information relating to each status is essential (i.e. regarding the right to work), this is clearly indicated.
Inside a restaurant kitchen in Latvia.

Why hire refugees in Latvia?


Since the outset of the war in Ukraine in 2022, Latvia has received a high number of refugees, amounting to approximately 2% of Latvia’s population. The Latvian government and civil society have responded with steadfast solidarity towards refugees from Ukraine, with 59% of Latvians (link is external)supportingLink is external the reception of new refugees from Ukraine and 49% sharing that they have provided some support to refugees (donations, aid, volunteering).


Special measures have been taken to facilitate rights and services for Ukrainian refugees on equal footing with Latvian citizens, including full access to employment. This has led to the inclusion of a considerable part of the Ukrainian refugee community in the labour market, even in regulated professions such as healthcare or childcare. Latvian employers have shown a high level of readiness to offer jobs to refugees from Ukraine. A 2024 (link is external)surveyLink is external among 46 employers found that 63% already employ Ukrainians, and 26% are interested in employing Ukrainians in the future. Companies indicated that they employ 2-5 refugees in their companies, the highest number being 45 in a company operating in retail non-specialized stores. When asked to evaluate their experience from 1 to 5 (5 being the highest), the average score received was 4, which speaks to the positive outcomes of recruiting refugees for both the individual and the company. 

A good example

The Latvian agricultural sector requires regular seasonal work to maintain and increase production. The agricultural and processing company(link is external), 'Very BerryLink is external', has proactively (link is external)hired four Link is externalCameroon refugees who have helped solve labour shortage issues and become reliable workforce members. All four worked in the agricultural field in Cameroon, which facilitated their incorporation into the company. Thanks to their performance and contributions, the company has decided to offer them permanent contracts, and they have decided to settle permanently in Latvia.

Read this (link is external)articleLink is external to learn about the experiences of Latvian companies which have hired refugees from Ukraine (in Latvian) 

Facts about refugees in Latvia
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How many refugees are there in Latvia?

According to 2023 data, 45,700 refugees were registered in Latvia, 44,300 of whom came from Ukraine.

Visit the Refugee Data Finder to learn more 

How many of them are working?

According to the (link is external)State Revenue Service dataLink is external, at the beginning of 2024, 8,700 Ukrainian nationals were registered as employees, while 1,700 were registered as unemployed. Most Ukrainians work in industry—23%; accommodation and catering—13%; trade and automobile repair industries—13%; finance, insurance, scientific, administrative services, and real estate operations—11%; and construction—9%. As of January 1, 2024, 14,000 Ukrainian citizens received an employment start-up allowance of 700 EUR.  

Read more about the employment of refugees on the page of the (link is external)National Bureau of StatisticsLink is external

What are the main challenges?

Some of the (link is external)challengesLink is external faced by refugees and their employers include the lack of relevant skills in the field of the job, bureaucratic complications, the lack of knowledge of the Latvian language, and the high emotional burden and trauma experienced by refugees. In addition, companies must hire extra staff to help register Ukrainian refugees and open bank accounts. (link is external)Some refugeesLink is external, especially highly qualified specialists who cannot find work according to their qualifications, are forced to work in low-skilled, physically demanding jobs. To live well in Latvia, many men are forced to work hard and often beyond the contractual working hours. Finally, Ukrainian refugees may leave Latvia in search of better economic and social conditions or return to Ukraine (especially those whose family members remain in Ukraine). 

Read the report (link is external)"Integration of Ukrainian refugees in the Latvian labor market"Link is external by the Prosper BSR project (in Latvian) 


Did you know?

Latvian cultural organizations and companies in the arts and culture field can benefit from the (link is external)SCCF Special Purpose ProgramLink is external, the "Creative Scholarship Program for Ukrainian Citizens." Its purpose is to provide support to Ukrainian citizens in their creative efforts in artistic domains such as Design and Architecture, Cinematographic Art, Cultural Heritage, Literature, Music and Dance Art (Ballet), Interdisciplinary Projects, Dramatic Arts (Theatre, Modern Dance and Circus), Traditional Culture and Visual Art. Individuals can be granted a one-time creative work scholarship of 600 EUR for 3 months. 

Do refugees have the right to work in Latvia? 
StatusWho it applies toRight to work?
Asylum-seekersAn individual who has applied for asylum in Latvia but still has not received a decision on their application. Individuals who are asylum seekers have the right to work for 3 months after applying for asylum as long as a decision has yet to be made on their case. 
Refugee status An individual who, due to a well-founded fear of being persecuted for reasons of race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion, cannot avail themselves of the protection of that country. Individuals with a refugee status have the right to work in Latvia without a work permit, subject to language requirements (see below). 
Subsidiary protection An individual who does not qualify for a refugee but cannot return due to a fully justified fear that they will be tortured, subject to cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or dignity, or will be punished, or that there is a serious and personal threat to their life, health, safety or freedom. Individuals with subsidiary protection have the right to work in Latvia without a work permit, subject to language requirements (see below). 
Temporary protection  Residents of Ukraine who have fled Ukraine due to the most recent conflict, and have applied for protection in Latvia.  Individuals with temporary protection have the right to work without a work permit. 
Ukrainian passport holders Residents from Ukraine who have been issued a travel document in Ukraine. Ukrainian passport holders can start employment without a long-term visa for up to 30 days. If a resident of Ukraine starts working without a long-term visa, they need to apply for temporary protection no later than within 10 days. 


For more information on the legal framework, visit the (link is external)Office of Citizenship and Migration AffairsLink is external' website.

Bear in mind

  1. The employment of refugees in Latvia's public and private sectors is subject to strict legal regulations on language proficiency. (link is external)Regulation No 733Link is external sets the required state language proficiency levels for various professions. For example, highly qualified jobs require the highest state language proficiency levels – C1 and C2. In contrast, state language proficiency for skilled jobs and jobs requiring communication with customers need at least B1. In the private sector, refugees (link is external)can be employedLink is external without a national language certificate only if their activities do not affect legitimate public interests (public security, health, morals, health protection, consumer and labour rights protection, workplace safety, and public administrative supervision).

  2. Ukrainian refugees are exempt from the above state language proficiency requirement. They are also facilitated in regulated professions (e.g., doctors and teachers) and qualify for support regarding professional qualification recognition.  

  3. A special (link is external)procedureLink is external is available for Ukrainian refugees who wish to work in childcare. Individuals need to (link is external)applyLink is external at the State Service of Education Quality to sign up at the Register of Child Care Service Providers. Ukrainians can provide childcare and pedagogical services to Ukrainian children without following this procedure. 

Did you know?  

Ukrainian medical practitioners, pharmacists and pharmacist assistants are (link is external)eligible for a permitLink is external to provide short-term professional services for five years under the direct supervision of a Latvian national as long as communication is ensured (e.g. with the help of an interpreter). In the meantime, they are invited to start (link is external)equating the qualificationLink is external obtained in Ukraine with the qualification to be received in Latvia and (link is external)learning LatvianLink is external, which is required at a C1 level to practice in the field after the short-term permit expires. As of 2024, 171 doctors from Ukraine are employed in Latvia, of which approximately 60% work in state and municipal medical institutions. Twenty-two pharmacists and seven pharmacist assistants from Ukraine are also employed. 

Recruitment and onboarding of refugees and stateless people
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How do I connect with refugee talent?

Employers interested in hiring refugees can post vacancies on the job portal of the National Employment Agency and mark them as suitable for Ukrainians using three unique tags under "Employment type". Other job portals include,, and, which offers a special section for Ukrainian job seekers. Employers can also join job fairs organized by municipalities, which promote the employment of refugees. In addition, the (link is external)Society Integration FoundationLink is external (SIF) offers several counselling, mediation, and integration support programs for international protection holders and foreigners and has served more than 10,000 refugees (link is external)in 2022 and 2023Link is external with cultural orientation courses, events, Latvian language courses, and social mentoring. Another organization that can support employers in getting in touch with refugees is the (link is external)Shelter Safe HouseLink is external, which is implementing the “Employment Development and Growth for Everyone, with Refugee Youth and Older Adults" project to support refugees entering the labour market in Latvia.  

What can I do to support refugee employees?

Employers who wish to facilitate the inclusion of refugees in their companies may need to invest additional resources in training the new hires and equipping them with the language and professional skills they need to succeed in their roles. Further information and counselling can be provided to ease the individual's entry into Latvian society and their new workplace, including through mentorship and buddy programs within the team. Companies may need to assist refugees with bureaucratic procedures, such as opening a bank account. Finally, individuals who are dealing with trauma and mental health issues may benefit from mental health support. 


Useful resources


Employment agency 

Employers can contact the (link is external)National Employment AgencyLink is external to take advantage of the various measures offered to stimulate the employment of refugees. These include informative support on (link is external)recruitLink is external(link is external)ingLink is external Ukrainian refugees, assistance with (link is external)candidate selectionLink is external, and free Latvian language training for Ukrainian employees.  


The Employment Agency provides several measures to incentivize employment and training. These include a one-time (link is external)allowanceLink is external of 700 EUR when Ukrainian refugees start a new job. Companies can benefit from the subsidies for (link is external)on-the-job training,Link is external (link is external)training at the employer’s request,Link is external and (link is external)financial aidLink is external for 12 months when hiring a refugee. 

Network and recognition

Employers can join the “(link is external)Diversity is StrengthLink is external" initiative, which provides support measures to promote an inclusive working environment and diversity management. Employers can attend (link is external)webinarsLink is external and (link is external)eventsLink is external, get a free expert (link is external)assessmentLink is external of their organization's current situation, and receive diversity awards.  

Ukraine to Latvia portal

Ukraine to Latvia informational portal with resources for employment and other services 

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Diversity Compass 2023 report

Diversity Compass 2023 report by the Social Integration Foundation with information on diversity management for employers (in Latvian) 

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Guidelines for mentors

Guidelines for mentors working with asylum seekers, refugees and people with alternative status (in Latvian) 

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