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World Refugee Day 2003 National Activity Plan: Slovenia

World Refugee Day 2003 National Activity Plan: Slovenia

1 April 2003

Dutch singer Do performing with her dancers at the NEC stadium in Nijmegen.

A concert will be held, featuring Slovene rock groups, Bosnian folk music, an African refugee band, as well as Slovenes of African origin performing music and dances.

A giant mural will be displayed to illustrate of the trials that an asylum seeker has to go through in the quest for asylum. The mural will be a part of an information campaign by UNHCR and NGOs and will consist of a sequence of illustrations done by a well-known Slovene political cartoonist. Each illustration will present one stage of the asylum seeker's journey, starting with the country of origin and ending with integration.

On June 20, Slovene and refugee children will be told refugee stories, after which they will make floating lights that will drift down the river that runs through the city at night. The procession of lights will be accompanied by a raft carrying the World Refugee Day sign.

A street-theatre show will take place in Ljubljana on several occasions around June 20. A one-day seminar on refugee issues will be held for journalists in early June.

UNHCR will organise a roundtable on the role of NGOs providing assistance to the refugees and the need for governmental and private financial support for them. Foreign experts will also attend.