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Overall Programme and Funding in 1999 and Projections for 2000

Executive Committee Meetings

Overall Programme and Funding in 1999 and Projections for 2000

7 February 2000

Executive Committee of the High Commissioner's Programme
Standing Committee
17th meeting
7 February 2000

1. An update on UNHCR's programme and funding projections for 1999 and 2000 was presented to the Executive Committee in October 1999 (A/AC.96/916 Add.1, Chapter 2). The tables that accompany this document provide further updated information on programme expenditure and funding in 1999 (Annexes I-IV), a summary of programmes and funding projections for 2000 (Annex V), and a list of 1999 contributions (Annex VI). A draft decision on programme and funding is proposed in Annex VII for endorsement by the Standing Committee.


2. Tentative total expenditure for activities programmed in 1999 and a forecast of expected income for the year is provided in Annex I.

General Programmes

3. It is anticipated that final figures for expenditure under the 1999 General Programmes will reach a total of $ 362 million, amounting to $ 51 million (or 12 per cent) less than the approved target. This reduction reflects the results of a programme/budgetary review undertaken in the course of 1999 in order to adjust activities within the General Programmes to the projected level of income. Reductions in some countries were the result of delayed implementation, or of a favourable exchange rate. Expenditure under the Programme Reserve and the Voluntary Repatriation Fund was limited since there were no substantial increases in programmed activities, nor major repatriation operations.

4. Contributions to the General Programmes totalled $ 326.8 million, with an estimated secondary income of $ 26.2 million, making a total of $ 353 million. With the carry-over brought forward from 1998 of $ 9.6 million, this provides a possible carry-over into 2000 of less than $ 1 million in unobligated funds.

5. In case of a shortfall, UNHCR would resort temporarily to the Working Capital and Guarantee Fund, in accordance with the provisions of Article 6.4 (f) of the Financial Rules for Voluntary Funds administered by the High Commissioner for Refugees (A/AC.96/503/Rev.7).

Funds and Reserves

6. Allocations from the 1999 Emergency Fund are shown in Annex II. Of the total of $ 18 million, major allocations have been for the displaced Chechens in Caucasus and for Congolese refugees in Zambia and Tanzania. As minor cancellations are expected, Annex I indicates an expenditure of $ 17.4 million.

7. As shown in Annex III, some $ 4.3 million were allocated from the Voluntary Repatriation Fund, against a total of $ 20 million. With minor anticipated adjustments, a total of $ 4.1 million is shown in Annex I as projected expenditure. The limited volume of allocations is due to the absence of new large-scale repatriations in 1999.

8. Due to funding constraints, UNHCR placed a limit on the use of the 1999 Programme Reserve. $ 18.9 million only were allocated, leaving a balance of $14.5 million (cf. Annex IV).

Special Programmes

9. The budget for 1999 Special Programmes (see Annex I) amounts to $ 770.2 million. Total expenditure is estimated at $ 659 million, including $ 387 million (59 per cent) for UNHCR's participation in the humanitarian assistance in South-Eastern Europe, including the Kosovo region. Some 10 per cent is for the Great Lakes Operation (excluding Rwanda). Total income for the Special Programmes is estimated at $617.5 million. Taking into account the unobligated funds of $ 110.2 million brought forward from 1998, the carry-over into 2000 is estimated at some $ 71.1 million. This amounts to approximately 60 per cent of the balance brought forward at the end of 1998.


10. With the introduction of the unified budget for the year 2000, a total of $ 933.6 million (including the United Nations Regular Budget contribution of $ 20.4 million) was approved by the Executive Committee in October 1999. Since then two Supplementary Programmes were established for the Timor Operation ($ 15.9 million) and the Sierra Leone Repatriation Operation ($ 15.8 million) (cf. Annex V). The breakdown of these activities is contained in the Global Appeal issued in December 1999.

11. These estimates include needs for the major humanitarian assistance programme in South-Eastern Europe (including the Kosovo operation), the Great Lakes Region and the East and Horn of Africa. It also includes the needs for the above-mentioned Supplementary Programmes for the Sierra Leone Repatriation and the Timor Operation.

12. The High Commissioner greatly appreciates the pledges of $ 168.2 million made at the Pledging Conference held in November 1999, towards the Annual Programme Budget total for 2000. In view of the very low carry-over this year, it is of utmost importance that fresh contributions are soon forthcoming. The High Commissioner thus appeals to Governments for an early announcement of further contributions, to avoid the risk of any suspension of UNHCR's activities early in 2000.

Note: Annexes I-VI not included in this online version. See your nearest UN Depository Library

Annex VII


The Standing Committee,

Recalling the Executive Committee's decision at its Fiftieth Session programme, administrative and financial matters (A/AC.96/928, para. 23);

OP1 Notes that the UNHCR's overall needs for 2000, based on currently known requirements amounts to $ 965.3 million, comprising $ 933.6 as approved by the Executive Committee (that includes the allocation of $ 20.4 million from the United Nations Regular Budget) and the two Supplementary Programmes totalling $ 31.7 million;

OP2 Stresses that with the introduction of the unified programme budget for the year 2000, early announcements of contributions are essential to allow the continuation and timely implementation of the UNHCR's Programmes, and appeals to donor Governments to make known their contributions as soon as possible.