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Iraq 2014

Iraq 2014

“No one I met wanted to be a burden. Every refugee family I spoke to wanted to contribute, to stand on their own feet, to provide for themselves and not to be dependent. Walking through the camps, I saw a busy, active people, resourceful and enterprising, people who had started grocery stores, barber shops, salons, bakeries. Like my fellow Afghans, these people were proud. They did not wish to be seen as a monolithic community of dependent victims.”
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In 2014, Khaled travelled to northern Iraq to meet Syrian families living in Kawergosk and Darashakran refugee camps and in the city of Erbil.  Khaled was raising vital awareness and funds for UNHCR’s Syria crisis appeal. He wrote an opinion piece for the (link is external)New York TimesLink is external, a feature article published in several countries including in (link is external)The IndependentLink is external in the UK, a blog for (link is external)The GuardianLink is external and carried out multiple live interviews from the field with all major news networks.