70 years protecting people forced to flee
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70 years protecting people forced to flee
On 14 December 1950, the UN General Assembly adopted the Statute of the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Refugees – formally presenting the new agency with its mission.
On the same day, it published the draft convention relating to the status of refugees, which was finalised and prepared for signing in July 1951.
UNHCR’s 70th anniversary is an opportunity to recognize the dedication, courage and contributions of those who work for our organization around the world. It is a chance for us to travel back in time, reflect on our present work and draw inspiration for the future.
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- All content (photos, videos and documents)
- Who We Are Film
- Archive photos by decade
- Selection of archive documents
- Resolutions relating to UNHCR's statute and the draft Refugee ConventionLink is external (December 1950)
- Archive film footage by decade
Media Contacts
- Barney Thompson, Senior Global Writer, thompsob@unhcr.org, +447719553786
- Spokespeople in different countries: https://www.unhcr.org/international-media-contacts.html
- About archival content: Montserrat Canela Garayoa, Chief of Section - Records and Archives, canelaga@unhcr.org, archives@unhcr.org
- About UNHCR photos: UNHCR Photo Unit, media@unhcr.org
- About the Who we are video: Michelle Hoffman, Senior Video Production Officer, hoffmanm@unhcr.org, +41 79 643 3919