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Our partners

UNHCR and Syrian Arab Red Crescent staff carry boxes and bags of supplies out of a room.

Our partners

UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, works with a wide range of partners to effectively deliver for people forced to flee. These include governments, the private sector, sister UN agencies and NGOs.

Partnering to deliver for people forced to flee.

At UNHCR we work with a wide range of partners, including governments, the private sector, sister UN agencies and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) to effectively deliver for people forced to flee.

Raising funds and awareness

We raise vital funds through long-standing partnerships with government donors. We also work with foundations and the private sector to raise additional resources and collaborate on innovative approaches. In addition, UNHCR is lucky to be able to call on a small group of prominent supporters whose influence, dedication and hard work help us raise awareness and advocate for refugees and other people forced to flee.

Delivering a coordinated response

On the ground, UNHCR partners with local and international NGOs, other UN agencies and governments to deliver vital services for refugees, including health care, education and shelter. Through strong collaboration, we can provide a swift, cohesive and sustainable response.

Fostering global collaboration

Forums and meetings play a crucial role in refugee protection. Finding long-term solutions requires strong global collaboration. UNHCR brings together UN Member States, NGOs, international organizations, academics, the media and refugees themselves. Participants share insights, exchange best practices, and discuss and develop solutions for forcibly displaced and stateless people, shaping a better future for millions. View upcoming forums and committees

What we do