
Form - Best Interests Determination Report
Form used for Best Interests Determination. This the primary BID form to be used for all cases requiring BID
Source: UNHCR
Publication date: 2020
Form - BIA - Comprehensive BIA
Form used to conduct a detailed Best Interests Assessment. While other inter-agency forms may also be used for child protection case assessments, in refugee settings, it is recommended that the comprehensive BIA form is used. This form can be modified at the operational level, provided that the key elements of the assessment are retained.
Source: UNHCR
Publication date: 2020
Form - BIA - Short BIA
Form used for initial assessment of a child at risk. For instance, when urgent interventions are required or during large influx
Source: UNHCR
Publication date: 2019
Form - BID Review Report
Form used to review and decide if the BID needs to be reopened
Source: UNHCR
Publication date: 2020
Form - Undertaking of Confidentiality
Form to be completed and signed by members of the BID Panel
Source: UNHCR
Publication date: 2020
Form - Resettlement Consent from Non-Accompanying Parent
Form used for documenting the consent of non-accompanying parent when a child is being considered for resettlement with one parent, and when requested by a resettlement country. UNHCR guidance does not require the form but it may complement a BIA.
Source: UNHCR
Publication date: 2024