2019 Executive Committee Session
Date: 7 - 11 October 2019
2019 Executive Committee Session
Public event
70th session of the Executive Committee of the High Commissioner’s Programme
To view video recordings of the 70th session of the Executive Committee, please click on the links below:
- Longing and belonging: the quest to end statelessness (UNHCR's ExCom 2019 Keynote Video)Link is external
- High-level Segment on StatelessnessLink is external
- Opening statement by the High Commissioner for Refugees, Mr. Filippo GrandiLink is external
- Keynote address by the Deputy Secretary-General of United Nations, Ms. Amina MohammedLink is external
- General debate: first partLink is external [begins at 1:06:30]; second partLink is external; third partLink is external; fourth partLink is external; fifth partLink is external; sixth partLink is external; seventh partLink is external
Documents are also available on the United Nations Official Documents System (ODS)Link is external in the required languages.
The Nansen Refugee Award ceremony will take place on Monday evening, 7 October 2019 in Geneva. For more information, including on the 2019 winner, please visit www.unhcr.org/nansen.
1. Opening of the session, adoption of the agenda
and other organizational matters
and other organizational matters
2. Statement by the High Commissioner
3. High-level segment on statelessness and general debate
4. Consideration of reports on the work of the Standing Committee
- Note on international protection (A/AC.96/1189)
- Statements on international protection
- Statement by the Deputy High Commissioner
- Report on the work of the Standing Committee (A/AC.96/1197)
- Report of the seventy-fourth meeting of the Standing Committee (A/AC.96/1188)
- Report of the seventy-fifth meeting of the Standing Committee (A/AC.96/1195)
- Report of the seventy-sixth meeting of the Standing Committee (A/AC.96/1196)
- Financial statements for the year 2018 as contained in the Report of the Board of Auditors to the General Assembly on the financial report and audited financial statements of the voluntary funds administered by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees for the year ended 31 December 2018 (A/AC.96/1190)
- Financial report and audited financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2018 and Report of the Board of Auditors (A/74/5/Add.6)
- Key issues and measures taken in response to the Report of the Board of Auditors for 2018 (A/AC.96/1190/Add.1)
- Internal audit in the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees for the period 1 July 2018 to 30 June 2019 (A/AC.96/1192)
5. Consideration of reports relating to programme and administrative oversight and evaluation
- Report on activities of the Inspector General's Office (A/AC.96/1193)
- Report on evaluation (A/AC.96/1194)
6. Consideration and adoption of the biennial programme budget 2020-2021
7. Review of the annual consultations with non governmental organizations
8. Other statements
9. Meetings of the Standing Committee in 2020
10. Consideration of the provisional agenda of the seventy-first session of the Executive Committee
11. Election of officers
12. Any other business
13. Adoption of the report of the seventieth session of the Executive Committee
14. Closing of the session
Regional updates
Side events
- HLS: civil society perspectives and contributions
- Predictable and decisive engagement on internal displacement
- Supporting solutions in the Central African Republic
- Climate change and disaster displacement: Africa and beyond
- Venezuelan population flows: national and regional response
- The future of work: putting people first in a digital world
- Creating working cultures free from sexual misconduct
- Durable solutions through (re)integration: what it takes
Consult the online collection of ExCom documents from 41st to 71st session. View all documents (All sessions) or select by session.