Reports of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
Reports of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
2039 (XX)
2039. Reports of the United 'Nations High Commissioner for Refugees
The General Assembly,
Having considered the reports of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugee1 and having heard his statement,2
Noting the increasingly universal character of refugee problems,
Taking note of the difficulties encountered by the High Commissioner in obtaining the funds required to finance his programmes,
Considering that a greater effort could and should be made by the international community to provide the High Commissioner with the financial means required by the tasks incumbent upon him,
1. Requests the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees to pursue his efforts with a view to ensuring an adequate international protection of refugees and to providing satisfactory permanent solutions to the problems affecting the various groups of refugees within his competence;
2. Invites States Members of the United Nations and members of specialized agencies:
(a) To increase their support to the humanitarian action of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and to continue to co-operate with the High Commissioner in this respect;
(b) To make available to the High Commissioner the financial means required to ensure the full implementation of his programmes.
1390th plenary meeting,
7 December 1965.
1 Ibid., Nineteenth Session, Supplement No. 11 (A/5811/ Rev.1) and Supplement No. 11A (A/5811/Rev.1/Add.1); ibid., Twentieth Session, Supplement No. 11 (A/6011/Rev.1) and Supplement No. 11A (A/6011/Rev.1/Add.1).
2 Ibid., Twentieth Session, Third Committee, 1359th meeting.