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Resettlement in the United States

A family fled violence in Nigeria and now lives in the US state of New York.


Resettlement is a life-saving solution for the most vulnerable refugees in the world.

Refugees who are resettled go to another country that has agreed to admit them and ultimately grant them permanent residence. It is also an important way to share responsibility and support countries that host the majority of the world’s refugees.

The United States has a long history of welcoming refugees and has been a global leader on refugee resettlement.

UNHCR’s role in resettlement

UNHCR’s Multi-Country Office in Washington, covering the United States and northern Caribbean, supports refugee resettlement in a variety of ways.

Raise awareness and help address global resettlement needs

We provide information to partners and the general public about refugees around the world who need resettlement. The main governmental partners are the Department of State Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM)Link is external, the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR)Link is external, in the Department of Health and Human Services and the International and Refugee Affairs Division of the United States Citizenship and Immigration ServicesLink is external in the Department of Homeland Security.

Identify and refer refugees for resettlement from the northern Caribbean region

UNHCR's office in Washington covers the United States and 18 countries and territories in the northern Caribbean. UNHCR identifies and interviews refugees particularly in need of resettlement in the region and prepares the necessary documentation for submission countries offering resettlement slots. 

Provide information to many stakeholders, regarding UNHCR resettlement policies and programs.

UNHCR responds to questions relating to our agency's refugee resettlement procedures and programs outside the U.S. We provide advice and guidance on global resettlement policies, procedures and programs.