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UNHCR condemns forced returns from Thailand

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UNHCR condemns forced returns from Thailand

27 February 2025
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GENEVA – UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, deeply regrets the deportation of some 40 Uyghurs after more than 10 years in Thailand’s detention centres.   

UNHCR had received reports that a group of Uyghurs detained in Bangkok faced imminent deportation. The agency repeatedly sought access to the group and assurances from Thai authorities that these individuals, who had expressed a fear of return, would not be deported. No such access was granted, and when contacted for clarification, the Royal Thai Government authorities stated that no decision had been made to deport the group.

“This is a clear violation of the principle of non-refoulement and the Royal Thai Government’s obligations under international law,” said UNHCR’s Assistant High Commissioner for Protection, Ruvendrini Menikdiwela.

The fundamental right to seek asylum and of non-refoulement (i.e. not sending people back to a place where they could be at risk) are enshrined in Article 13 of Thailand’s Prevention and Suppression of Torture and Enforced Disappearance Act, Article 16 of the ASEAN Human Rights Declaration and Article 14 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

UNHCR has expressed concerns over the detention of this group since 2014, urging the authorities to improve their humanitarian situation, provide alternatives to detention and seek a viable and safe solution.

“UNHCR calls on the Royal Thai Government to put an end to the forced return of individuals from Thailand,” said Menikdiwela.