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Gifts in Wills

Gifts in Wills

Leave a gift in your Will

UNHCR works tirelessly to save lives and build better futures for millions of people forced to flee their homes.

By remembering UNHCR in your Will, your legacy will offer relief, protection and hope for the world’s most vulnerable people.
South Sudanese refugee Kiden Sam, 28, centre, carries her five-year-old Yukan Stephen as she waits to board a truck heading for the recently established Imvepi settlement, at the Imvepi Reception Centre, Arua District, Northern Region, Uganda.

How legacy gifts change lives

We don’t know what the future of refugees will look like many years from now.

What we do know is that as UNHCR we will keep protecting millions of the most vulnerable men, women and children around the world, safeguarding their rights in the face of conflict and persecution, providing them with the urgent assistance they need, and helping them rebuild their lives. We have been doing it since our formation in 1950, during the aftermath of World War II, and we will continue to do so as long as we are needed.

With growing numbers of refugees and forcibly displaced people, UNHCR’s work and your support are as vital as ever.

In 2023, the number of people forced to flee their homes rose to a record high as a consequence of a world in turmoil marked by war, human rights violations, and natural disasters.

Working with partner organizations in the field, governments in refugee-hosting countries and thousands of donors from around the world, we respond to their needs. We provide assistance directly to millions of people including access to housing, clean water, food, health care, education, and employment.

Over 19 million people in 163 countries received protection services in 2023, including safe spaces and case management for survivors of gender-based violence, children at risk and other people with specific needs. 14.6 million people benefited from UNHCR-supported health services, and 2.9 million received shelter and housing assistance.

We work to empower and find solutions. We provide access to education and opportunities for self-reliance by for instance providing refugees with access to land for agriculture. In 2023, 72% of refugee children were enrolled in primary education and 67 % of refugees got the legal right to work. For those who were able to go back to their home country, we helped over 1 million refugees to return home in safety and dignity.

By leaving a Gift in your Will to UNHCR, your support will live on to give refuge to people who have lost everything and help them survive and rebuild their lives. Your legacy will be their future.

In the years to come, a gift included in your Will ensures that people who have been torn from their homes by violence and persecution will receive the vital support they so urgently need. 

With your gift, UNHCR can give refugees what we would want for ourselves and our loved ones. Safety from violence, a home, and the chance to go to school and get a job. The hope of a better future.  

Writing or updating your will

We always recommend seeking the advice of a legal professional if you are thinking of writing or amending your Will and Testament. You can give to UNHCR once your family and loved ones have been taken care of and all your other wishes have been met.

If you would like to include a gift for UNHCR in your Will, please find below our full name and address:

The Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, an organ of the United Nations Headquarters located at:
94 rue de Montbrillant 
1202 Geneva 

If you already have a Will and you would want to amend it to include UNHCR, please consult a legal professional. In some jurisdictions, it is as easy as writing and attaching a ‘codicil’ – a legally recognized addition or amendment, to your Will.

Big or small, a gift in your will can make a world of difference.

A gift in a Will can take any form*:

  • A gift of cash
  • A percentage of the overall value of your estate
  • A gift of real estate
  • An investment (artwork, jewellery, stocks, etc)

* (please note that non-cash assets will be liquidated)

Contact us

Many people have thought about their legacy in these difficult times. We understand that including a gift to UNHCR in your Will is made after careful consideration. If this is something you would like to talk about, don’t hesitate to contact us, we would be happy to help.

Your contact: Lisa van Hogerlinden, Private Philanthropy Officer,

If you live in one of the countries listed below, please visit the country website to learn how you can include a Gift to UNHCR in your Will.

Asia and the Pacific