Fundraise at School and University

UNHCR Thailand has participated in the event of High School Student Case Competition 2023 officially presented by Triam Udom Suksa School. The case competition event has given opportunities to fellow high school students to unleash the potential of using creativity to create fundraising plans to support refugees. This is not only creating more awareness on humanitarian support, but also bringing the innovative ideas to involve Gen Z and expanding UNHCR supporters for the future community fundraising.  

Miss Penny organized a charity Thai Cooking Class for UNHCR to help refugees affected from a devastating fire at the refugee camp in Cox’s Bazar. The fundraising event led by Casa Vimaya’s esteemed Thai Head Chef, offering participants the unique opportunity to learn hands-on skills and techniques for preparing famous Thai dishes. All proceeds from the event have been donated to UNHCR to support their efforts in assisting the refugees.

We can all make a meaningful impact and help those in need.

The “Home Hope Charity Concert” under the “Net Zero carbon footprint” concept was a fundraising activity organized by Mr. Tynn Tatiyamaneekul and Ms. Proud Thanavisuth, for grade 12 students at the International School of Bangkok (ISB). The objective of this fundraising activity was to provide protection and assistance to the many refugees and other people displaced by the effects of climate change. UNHCR received 100,000 THB from the “Home Hope Charity Concert” to help support refugees impacted by climate change.

Ms. Yada and Ms. Panisara Haluethaisirirach, with the help of their friends from Concordian International School, ran a donation campaign in April to support those forced to flee from the situation in Ukraine. The students stood at the school gate during the morning drop-off to raise funds from parents, teachers and their friends. They raised 130,722.39 THB.

Bangkok Prep International School hosted a one-week event on refugee displacement and life as a refugee. The school invited a member of UNHCR staff to be a guest speaker. Year 3 students actively participated in a brainstorming session on fundraising to support refugees.

UNHCR Club initiated activities such as a sponsored walk, fund run and cooking to support refugees.

The Bangkok International School (ISB) students established the UNHCR Club within their school to foster awareness, engagement, and fundraising to protect people forced to flee. The club’s mission is to inspire students to become future refugee.

The students hosted a fun run at ISB, in support of the worldwide 2 Billion Kilometres to Safety campaign. This worldwide event aims to raise awareness about the plight of refugees, raise funds for families seeking refuge, and most importantly, creates the opportunity for the public to stand in solidarity with refugees. The students fundraised 85,399 THB from the activity.

The parents and students from Concordian International School organized a charity movie screening.

The donations go to support Global Refugee campaign to help protecting people forced to flee. In addition, this activity gave an opportunity for the parents to teach their children to be a part of the movement to support refugees.