Health and nutrition programmes are delivered with an emphasis on primary health care and support for secondary hospital care. Our healthcare interventions are based on needs, risks and vulnerabilities, which are determined by a health and nutrition partner and/or UNHCR staff.

Among forcibly displaced populations in developing countries, the top five killers of children under the age of five are malaria, malnutrition, measles, diarrhoea and respiratory tract infections. Our priorities and those of our partners at the start of an emergency are measles immunization, nutritional support, control of communicable diseases and epidemics, implementation of the reproduction health measures and public health surveillance. As the situation stabilizes, these services are enlarged. In more developed and urban settings, public health priorities among adults shift toward cardiovascular and chronic diseases and cancers.

Mental health support

Most refugees are remarkably resilient and are able to move on despite their distressing experiences. We provide counselling and other psychosocial support to the very small number of people forced to flee who need such help. Our response is critical when social structures and essential services have broken down. For refugees who need it, proper mental health care empowers them to cope with the challenges of displacement, take care of their families, earn a living, and contribute to their communities.

Maternal and Newborn Health

Dramatically improve a mother and baby’s chances of survival with your help. Support maternal and new born health with essential supplies like nutrition supplements, blankets, and baby clothes to keep mom and baby warm and healthy.