Lebanon. Syrian refugee family benefiting from shelter assistance. Syrian refugee Amira with her daughter Amani in their home. © UNHCR/Hannah Maule-ffinch
Imagine not being able to keep your children safe from the cold at night. Blankets are used to provide protection against loss of body temperature, according to the requirements imposed by climate / temperature conditions. UNHCR provide warm blanket and protection to people who have lost everything.

Bangladesh. Aid continues to arrive for Rohingya families. “I feel happy to have the light, it helps me to study.” Eight-year-old Rohingya refugee Umme Habiba stands beneath a UNHCR solar lantern outside her shelter at Kutupalong camp in Bangladesh. © UNHCR/Andrew McConnell
Solar lantern
The light from a lantern gives a refugee a sense of security and protection, especially at night. You can provide a tool that will help a refugee adjust to their new surroundings.

UNHCR is distributing Water Sanitation-Hygiene Kits to refugee families in Kutupalong camp and Chakmakrul, Bangladesh. © UNHCR/Roger Arnold
Water bucket
During wars and conflicts, refugees are living in the place where accessing to clean water is difficult. Bucket help us ensure that refugees and displaced have a container to spare clean water enough for their living and can protect themselves against water bound disease. Moreover, it helps reduce risk that might cause during walking long distance for clean water in some area.

Seventeen-month-old Rohingya refugee, Arafat, sleeps soundly on UNHCR mattress in his new monsoon-ready shelter where he lives with his parents and older brother in Kutupalong settlement.
© UNHCR/Vincent Tremeau
As night-time temperatures drop. Mattress helps prevent children and family from sleeping on the cold hard ground.

Democratic Republic of Congo. Burundian refugees are being hosted by local families. UNHCR provide protection and essential assistant such as schools, health centers and with proper security. © UNHCR/Federico Scoppa
Mosquito Net
For refugee families in sub-tropical temperatures, a mosquito net can mean the difference between life and death. Malaria is deadly but this simple, cost-effective solution saves lives.

UNHCR field workers in Rohingya refugee camp in Bangladesh take part in the Tetris Challenge, displaying core-relief items including cooking utensils, blankets, sleeping mats, solar lanterns, water buckets, mosquito nets and others that UNHCR has provided to refugees to help them survive. They also have ropes and other materials to build and repair shelters, protecting families from the harsh monsoon weather. ©UNHCR