Help a refugee family on Eid Al Adha

In the blessed days of Dhul Hijjah help displaced families afford food and water

“No good deeds done on other days are superior to those done on these” Hadith.

Having fled conflicts in their own countries, millions of displaced people in the region will once more, observe Eid al Adha in dire conditions.

As they struggle with poverty, food insecurity and rising prices, the fear of famine looms large.

At the end of 2023, 24 million people were on the brink of famine in Sudan. In Yemen, 17.3 million are dealing with acute food insecurity, with six million on the verge of famine.

Your donation today will help displaced damilies afford their urgent needs such as food and water.

Due to ongoing conflict and war, their situation has worsened, leading to an alarming scarcity of food, clean water and much more.

They are in urgent need of our help.

Please Donate Now

*Donate via Bank Transfer, Islamic Bank of Thailand, Account Name: UNHCR Special Account,
No. 008-1-36212-9


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