As UNHCR Syria is preparing to switch to a new tendering platform “eTenderBox”, we would like to invite all companies who are interested in doing business with UNHCR to register their company by clicking here -> eTenderBox (
A registration guide can be accessed here -> etenderbox-registration-guide.pdf (
By registering to the “eTenderBox”, companies are able to access all UNHCR Syria procurement opportunities (tender announcements).
To submit an offer for a UNHCR tender via the eTenderBox online tool, registration is required in the system.
For registration, Suppliers need to have an active email account by which they will be identified in the system.
Note: One Supplier should have only one registered email account in the system. Therefore, the Supplier must use only one eTenderBox account for managing its offers to UNHCR. If you forget your password, you will not be able to use that account anymore. In this case new registration is required.
Upon successful registration, a confirmation message will be sent to the provided email address and the system will redirect the user to the log in page where the Supplier can log in with the given email address and password.
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