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Press Releases

Prefabricated Houses For IDPS In Požega

Prefabricated Houses For IDPS In Požega

Eleven families accommodated in the collective centre “Ratko Mitrović“ signed today agreements for use of prefabricated houses within the framework of the EU project “Support to Implementation of the Strategy for Internally Displaced Persons, Refugees and...

From The Collective Centre Into The New Apartments

The collective centre in Kraljevo is finally closed, its residents having moved into the new, EU-funded, apartments in Boračko naselje. Today, they hosted the EU Delegation Ambassador, Serbian Commissioner for Refugees and UNHCR representative and recounted their...

Message On World Refugee Day

More than 42 million people around the world have been forcibly displaced from their homes and communities. More than a million fled their countries in the last eighteen months alone due to a wave of conflicts, in Cote d’Ivoire, Libya, Mali, Somalia, Sudan and...

UNHCR Launches Campaign To Combat Statelessness

Around the world today there are millions of people who are not recognized as citizens of any country. On paper they don’t exist anywhere. They are people without a nationality. They are stateless. UNHCR is mandated to prevent statelessness.  Marking the 50th...

UNHCR Urges The Government To Amend Legislation

The right to nationality is a fundamental human right, as stipulated in Article 15 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Persons without personal documentation face problems proving their nationality and are at risk of becoming stateless. These individuals are...