
While the UNHCR is dedicated to protecting and assisting refugees, our ultimate goal is to facilitate their integration into host communities. This allows them to achieve self-sustainability and rebuild their lives with dignity and peace.

To achieve this objective, UNHCR Integration Unit focuses on bolstering durable solutions for asylum seekers and refugees, while advocating for educational and employment opportunities. This involves close collaboration with the Serbian Commissariat for Refugees and Migration (SCRM) and partner organizations, coordination with relevant ministries, as well as increased engagement with the private sector and other development actors.

We work closely with these partners on: the economic and social inclusion of refugees, livelihood support, inclusion into mainstream education, and targeted financial aid for the most vulnerable.

UNHCR and partners work on two tracks:

  • to shift the perception of Serbia from a transit to a host country by facilitating livelihood and socio-economic inclusion
  • to strengthen the integration support and positive perception of refugees, by taking a multi-stakeholder approach.


First refugee students from outside the region
UNHCR and DAFI (Albert Einstein German Academic Refugee Initiative) scholarship programme together enable for enrolment into tertiary education of the first five non-Yugoslav refugees, to hopefully become University graduates in Serbia in the next couple of years.

Inclusion in the education system
We ensure the smooth recognition of diplomas for refugees and facilitate their inclusion in the education system, but also to life-long learning and career guidance. This is achieved through close cooperation with the Agency for Qualifications and the SCRM.

Paving the way to employment and self-reliance
UNHCR implements the MoU with National Employment Service (NES) and the SCRM, facilitating refugee access to the labor market. Additionally, support for decent employment is provided in active cooperation with an array of companies, including HR agency partners.

Essential support for refugee livelihoods
Livelihood assistance may include a wide range of vocational trainings, tools and equipment for income generation, Serbian and other language classes. It serves as essential support for refugee socio-economic inclusion and integration.

Private sector #ForRefugees network
UNHCR and IKEA launched the “For Refugees” network in Serbia, bringing together business actors to support the integration of refugees and enhance their living conditions. Today, the network boasts 12 corporate members, including three chambers of commerce, who offer support through trainings, employment opportunities, donations, and advocacy.

We support the new beginnings of refugees through:

1) Inclusion in the education system, encompassing tertiary education, life-long learning & career guidance

2) Providing access to decent employment opportunities

3) Livelihood assistance

4) Engaging the development actors – IFIs, agencies, private sector & academia

5) Financial aid for the most vulnerable