Dear candidate,
First of all, we would like to congratulate you on your interest in education and your desire to continue your studies and apply for a scholarship for refugees at the West University of Timisoara.
Below, you will find relevant information about the selection process and what you will need to prepare to access the scholarship.
We want to clarify the fact that the selection procedure will be done by the West University of Timișoara (WUT). The purpose of the UNHCR in this procedure is to support you in the application process.
Step 1: You will need to select the Faculty that you want to attend. WUT is a comprehensive university meaning that it offers a wide variety of Sciences from Exact Sciences to Humanistic Sciences (See all the faculties here)
Step 2: After you select the Faculty you wish to attend, make sure that you are aware of the admissions exam. Some faculties require the passing of an exam to get admitted, while some require just some documents. Make sure you know this!
Step 3: Gather all the necessary documents:
- Permis de ședere termporar sau permanent – Stay Permit
- Document de călătorie – Travel document
- Cerere de înscriere – Admission Request – you need to find it on your faculty’s website.
- Diplomă de bacalaureat sau diplomă echivalentă cu aceasta, în original (copie legalizată în Română unde e cazul) – Baccalaureate / High School diploma or diploma equivalent to it, in original (certified copy in Romanian where appropriate)
- Adeverinţă medicală în original – Medical certificate in original
- 3 fotografii color tip buletin de identitate – 3 color photographs type ID card
- Certificatul de naştere în copie – Birth certificate in copy
- Foaie matricolă sau adeverinţă eliberată de liceu, din care să rezulte mediile generale obţinute in cei 4 (sau 5) ani de studii liceale, precum şi mediile anuale – Enrollment sheet or certificate issued by the high school, from which the general average obtained in the 4 (or 5) years of high school studies, as well as the annual averages
Step 4: Write a Motivation Letter. Here you can find a useful site with some tips and guidance on how to create a good motivation letter
Please send all this information to the following e-mail address, by 01.09.2020, 23:59!
Good luck in gathering all the information for application and please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any doubts, concerns, or questions!