The Population Registration and Identity Management Eco-System (PRIMES) is a platform for all UNHCR registration and identity management tools and applications, including existing tools such as proGres, the Biometric Identity Management System (BIMS), the Global Distribution Tool (GDT), the Rapid Application (RApp), IrisGuard and RAIS, as well as those to be developed in the future. PRIMES applications are designed to work in offline, online and GSM environments, and will be interoperable with IT systems used by governments and partner organisations such as WFP (SCOPE) and Unicef (Primero). New PRIMES applications going forward will aim to promote direct access by persons of concern (e.g. access to personal data, entitlement accounts, identity wallet).
ProGres v4
The Rapid Application (RApp)
Biometrics Identity Management System (BIMS)
Refugee Assistance Information System (RAIS)
The Global Distribution Tool (GDT)
Locally developed tools and databases
There are several examples of highly successful tools that have been developed at the field level and which have contributed major efficiencies to UNHCR operations within the region and even beyond. As a general principle, local development of registration tools is discouraged when the required functions are already met by existing corporate tools. The disadvantages of locally developed tools are that they are generally not supported or upgraded, and the knowledge required to run them may leave the operation with the eventual departure of key staff involved in the development of the tool.
Where a registration tool is developed to fill a gap not covered by existing corporate tools, it is critically important to develop user guidance, SOPs or other documentation as well as training in order to build and sustain institutional memory about the tool.