These statistics are sourced from UNHCR's official published population statistics, which were last updated in mid-2022.
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Specific countries of origin - to filter the data for specific countries of origin include a list of the 3 character isocodes for the following parameter in the URL: ""&FilterCoO=SYR,IRQ,AFG".
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Source: as of mid-2022.
See the methodology pages for the definitions of who is included in these statistics on forcibly displaced and Stateless persons and how UNHCR collects this information.
Internally Displaced Persons: UN estimate of the number of IDPs who reside in government-controlled areas of Ukraine as of end-2019.
Others of concern: In line with its Multi-Year, Multi-Partner Strategy, UNHCR continues to protect and assist persons who have specific protection needs and live in non-government-controlled areas or
within 20 km of the contact line in government-controlled areas; 81 per cent reside in non-government-controlled areas. While the number of assisted persons is not expected to change
compared to previous years, the population estimate has increased following introduction of a new methodology used at the inter-sectoral level in preparation of the Humanitarian Needs Overview for 2020.
Stateless people presented in this visualisation include those who have not been displaced. It also includes those stateless people that are also forcibly displaced.
These people are only counted as forcibly displaced when calculating the total population that UNHCR protects and/or assists to avoid double counting.
Use the stateless statuses in the visualisation to highlight these populations.
Summaries of people from the region or country represent the statistics by country of origin.
The designations employed and the presentation of material on this map do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the
United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers of boundaries.