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Top UN officials meet Prime Minister Imran Khan during Pakistan visit

Top UN officials meet Prime Minister Imran Khan during Pakistan visit

Press Release ISLAMABAD – Friday 7 September 2018: The UN High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi and UN Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator, Mark Lowcock met with Prime Minister Imran Khan Friday in Islamabad. The...

Closure of UNHCR Voluntary Repatriation Centres on Pakistan Day

Closure of UNHCR Voluntary Repatriation Centres on Pakistan Day

Closure of UNHCR Voluntary Repatriation Centres on Pakistan Day Registered Afghan refugees holding Proof of Registration (PoR) or UNHCR-issued documents, who are planning to return to Afghanistan from Pakistan under the UN Refugee Agency’s facilitated voluntary...



One person displaced every two seconds: UNHCR 85 percent of the world’s refugees are hosted by developing countries ISLAMABAD, 20 June 2018: The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR), the Ministry of States and Frontier Regions (SAFRON) and GiZ (German Development Cooperation)...

Balochistan opens state-of-the-art kidney centre

Balochistan opens state-of-the-art kidney centre

Balochistan opens state-of-the-art Kidney Centre QUETTA, 2 May 2018: Balochistan opens a state-of-the-art public health facility providing free treatment to Pakistanis and Afghan refugee patients suffering from kidney disease. UNHCR Representative, Ms. Ruvendrini...

UNHCR making a difference: helping refugee drug addicts

UNHCR making a difference: helping refugee drug addicts

UNHCR making a difference: helping refugee drug addicts News story QUETTA: Rahmatullah, a 26-year-old Afghan refugee was a bright student and wanted to become an engineer. He would score top marks. His life took a turn for the worst and he ended up addicted to heroin....