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National Activity Plan 2006: United Kingdom

National Activity Plan 2006: United Kingdom

20 June 2006
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UNHCR staff register refugees at the Douma registration center on the outskirts of Damascus. Registering with UNHCR ensures that the most vulnerable refugees receive aid.

  • A UK Minister for refugee integration has agreed to give a short speech at a public event on 15th/ 16th June to kick off this year's Refugee Week events.
  • Refugee Week in the UK formerly runs over 18-25 June this year and includes some 400 events across the country. A major event attracting 15,000 is the popular Celebrating Sanctuary street event on London's South Bank organised by the Coin Street Builders. UNHCR will have small tent at this event on the Sunday before World Refugee Day. Check out for more details.
  • Refugee Action in Manchester is organising a football (soccer) match with the team of resettled refugees in Bolton on 18 June and UNHCR plans to contribute one of its two soccer balls signed by the England team as donated by Giorgio Armani for the winners.
  • An information stand will be mounted at the government's Department of International Development regarding World Refugee Day and refugees on 20 June.
  • UK agencies working with refugees including UNHCR are proposing an event and exhibition at the Home Office's premises in Croydon on 20 June.
  • UNHCR is invited to speak at a lunch event at Amnesty International's UK headquarters on 20 June regarding our work with IDPs.
  • The Representative will attend the 20-22 June Building and Social Housing Foundation conference in Windsor Palace on the topic of "Building on Diversity: Providing Homes for Refugees and Strengthening Communities.".
  • Two or three UNHCR colleagues will attend the Chartered Institute of Housing "Making the Case for Housing" conference 20-23 June at Harrogate and will staff our stand, which won best stand prize at last year's Labour Party Annual Conference.
  • The Home Office has also invited UNHCR to bring its award-winning stand to Leeds for the 29-30 June for a conference they are holding there for agencies working with refugees.