Sub-Committee on Administrative and Financial Matters: Corrigendum
Executive Committee Meetings
Sub-Committee on Administrative and Financial Matters: Corrigendum
25 September 1995
1. Page 7, paragraph 8, last line
After inclusion insert under either category was implicitly established: the General Programme category was reserved exclusively for statutory activities included under the Annual Programme and those covered by the Emergency Fund; other activities were to be funded under Special Programmes.
2. Page 15, Annex 1, paragraph 4, line 4
For A/AC.96/781 read A/AC.96/761
3. Page 18, Annex 2, paragraph 4, line 1
For (A-D) read (A-E)
4. Page 33, Annex 4, sub-heading C, first line
The first line should read New provision (f) (old (f) becomes (g))