Wie we helpen



Vluchtelingen zijn mensen die op de vlucht zijn voor conflicten of vervolging.


A man collects rubbish at San Pedro de Macoris municipal dump. ; Tens of thousands of Dominicans of Haitian descent were deprived of their Dominican nationality following a 2013 ruling by the Constitutional Court of the Dominican Republic. UNHCR has appealed to the Dominican government to ensure that these people are not deported and is committed to working with the Dominican authorities to find a solution for them that guarantees protection of their human rights.

Staatlozen hebben geen nationaliteit en hebben vaak niet dezelfde rechten als andere mensen.

Binnenlands ontheemden

An Internally Displaced girl pumps water near her family's mud house in Minarets informal settlement in the center of Herat city. Families in this urban settlement fled their homes around the year 2000 for security reasons. ; Families settled in 2000, the provincial governor at the time gave permission to settle here but no formal documents were given. Recently the IDP's have been facing eviction threats.

Binnenlands ontheemden zoeken veiligheid in andere delen van hun land.


Repatrianten zijn mensen die eindelijk naar huis kunnen terugkeren.


Mother with her son and daughter, from Iran seeking asylum in Austria, in a temporary family accommodation at Asfinag. The Asfinag centre is on the former site of a roadworks company, on the outskirts of Salzburg, a short distance from the border with Germany. Refugees and migrants arrive here directly by bus from the Slovenian border, brought by the Austrian authorities, and most will move on to Germany, and are accommodated in heated tents with camp beds and blankets. For those seeking asylum there are more permanent structures, with family groups separated from single males. Food is provided by volunteers three times a day. ; More than 643,000 refugees and migrants arrived in Europe via the Mediterranean sea this year, including 502,500 in Greece only. Many of the refugees and migrants are desperate to move quickly onwards to Western Europe, fearing that borders ahead of them will close. Although reception capacities have been stepped up the rising numbers has put the  Austrian reception system under strain. Many newcomers as well as transiting refugees and migrants are temporarily accommodated in sports- and music halls, former office buildings etc., with those wishing to stay waiting sometimes for weeks to get proper accommodation. With the winter approaching, aid has also been stepped up at the borders. At all border crossings where refugees are arriving or leaving – currently from Slovenia to Austria and from Austria to Germany – large heated tents which can hold up to a few thousand persons have been put up and NGOs, volunteers and authorities are providing basic services.

Een asielzoeker is iemand die internationale bescherming zoekt.

Bescherming van individuen

Ieder mens verdient een leven zonder vervolging en discriminatie.

Stel je voor. Alles wat je hebt, moest je halsoverkop achterlaten. Je hebt geen idee waar je vannacht zal slapen.

UNHCR vangt vluchtelingen op en biedt hen bescherming.

Help vandaag nog om levens te redden.


€ 10
Geef een slaapmat  zodat families op de vlucht niet op de grond hoeven te slapen

€ 15
Zorg voor zeil om een noodtent waterdicht te maken

€ 18
Geef een kind op de vlucht toegang tot levensreddende medische hulp