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News and Stories

Small business, big success

Small business, big success

“As we entered Bakassi IDP camp, life was not easy because we could not eat enough and I could not provide for the education of my children”, says 60-year old Usman Bura, a father of four and husband to two wives. “I want to thank UNHCR for helping me and my family to...

A Cameroonian refugee who is “more or less like a Nigerian”

A Cameroonian refugee who is “more or less like a Nigerian”

Elvis Neba Shu is a well-respected Professor of Pharmacology in Nigeria today. After completing his studies in his native Cameroon with a PhD at the University of Nigeria in Enugu, he stayed there for a few years until he decided to go back in December 2016 where he...

The teenage mother that wants to study against all odds

The teenage mother that wants to study against all odds

“I strongly believe that if I return to school, I will be able to help other girls!” Teenage mother Asta Mohammed beams with a smile whenever she talks about her desire to resume her education and become a medical doctor. She is one of the many girls who have been...

The woman that saved a baby on the run

The woman that saved a baby on the run

25-year-old Aisha Umar remembers that Saturday in 2017 as if it was yesterday. “At 11 a.m. we heard gunshots and knew, we had to leave.” The insurgency had been going on in North-East Nigeria for several years, and it had reached Baga. Stray bullets were flying all...

Hope arising from a nightmare

Hope arising from a nightmare

“My son had stomach-ache”, Rahama Ahmadu, a 30-year old internally displaced woman and mother of three says about her 11-year old son Ahmed*. What sounds like an everyday experience, can be very different if you have to run for your life. Rahama and others had just...

Fish and chicks

Fish and chicks

Winifred had to feed the catfish for months and be patient. Finally, she can put food on the table after selling her first fish in Nigeria. “I am so happy. This is the first time I am selling fish from the farm”, says Winifred Ayah, 26-year-old mother of two. Her...

“I knelt down and thanked God”

“I knelt down and thanked God”

How investing in tertiary education of refugees can improve the situation of their communities. “When I saw sick people in need, I felt helpless”. Aka Rose Mbachilina, a 26-year-old mother of two, felt sympathy for children with injuries in Adagom refugee settlement....

The leader who came out of tumultuous waters

The leader who came out of tumultuous waters

Gerard walked three weeks through wild forest to safety, yearned to live in a refugee camp, wrote a business plan and built up a cooperative in only one year. “I didn’t want to stay idle.” Gerard Tiko’or Akenji shrugs. “The day after arriving here in the camp, I went...