World Refugee Day 2021

Together we can achieve anything

World Refugee Day in the Nordic and Baltic Countries - June 20

Together we can achieve anything

World Refugee Day in the Nordic and Baltic Countries - June 20

Conflict and persecution have forced more than 80 million people around the world to flee their homes.

This World Refugee Day, we call on communities and governments to include them – in health care, education and sport.

Only by working together can we recover from the COVID-19 pandemic. Together we heal, learn and shine.

Scroll down this page to join us in celebrating the resilience of refugees everywhere, and see how this day is being commemorated in the Nordic and Baltic Counties.

World Refugee Day 2021

We are celebrating the resilience and strength shown by refugees as well as highlighting the efforts made by welcoming communities on refugee inclusion.

The shared experience of COVID-19 has showed us that we only succeed if we stand togetherGiven the chance, refugees will continue to contribute to a stronger, safer and more vibrant world. This year, we call for greater inclusion of refugees in health, education, and sport.

Follow us on Twitter as we highlight the activities surrounding #WorldRefugeeDay in the Nordic and Baltic Countries and join the conversation. 

World Refugee Day Assets


Download and share to show that you stand with refugees. 


We need everyone to step up and call for refugee inclusion. Pick a placard and post to your social media, showing that you support people forced to flee their homes.

Annual World Refugee Day event at Rukla Reception Center in Jonava, Lithuania

Refugees residing in the centre in Rukla and other parts of Lithuania came together and attended the event. Joint activities together with locals included singing, dancing and learning about Lithuanian summer activities, organized with the support of UNHCR on 18 June.

“A Day in the Life Of” – videos

Watch our refugee friends Shorok, Yalda, and Hameed living in Estonia and Lithuania take us along on their daily activities.

World Refugee Day activities in the Nordics and Baltics


Location: Norway
Date: 17 June 2021

Internal lecture for IKEA Norway Staff on global refugee situation


Location: Vilnius, Lithuania
Date: 20 June 2021

Joint music and art workshop with Artscape + performance by Jurgis Didziulis


Location: Denmark
Date: 20 June 2021

UNHCR in a panel discussion with Danish Refugee Council and refugees after the screening of the new film ‘Flugt’ on refugee journeys


Location: Jonava, Lithuania
Date: 18 June 2021

Concert and activities at refugee reception centre


Location: Finland
Date: 20 June 2021

Social Media campaign in collaboration with IKEA Finland


Location: Latvia
Date: 21 June 2021

Discussion on breaking stereotypes and on how ideas about refugees are formed


Location: Latvia
Date: 19 June 2021

Sports event with the Red Cross at centre for asylum-seekers


Location: Stockholm, Sweden
Date: 20 June 2021

Football and Fika co-organized by refugees in Stockholm


Location: Latvia
Date: 19 June 2021

Discussion with refugees on services available in Latvia


Location: Iceland
Date: 21 June 2021

Reykjanesbaer from the Cities #WithRefugees coalition to give out a book about a refugee child to all kindergarten children

“Throughout this challenging time, we have…seen a connectedness that transcends borders. Ordinary people have stepped up to help. Host communities…have continued to demonstrate a remarkable welcome.”

–Filippo Grandi, UN High Commissioner for Refugees

Fika and Football Match

UNHCR co-organized an informal and lively event with refugee youth from the Täby reception center in Stockholm, Sweden.

Relating to the theme of refugee inclusion in sports, several friendly football matches were held between the refugees, locals and UNHCR staff members on site. Activities were available for all ages, as children participated in UNHCR’s Youth #WithRefugees Art Contest in the Dream Ball challenge.

Scroll down to see a glimpse of the event in Täby. 

Follow us on Twitter as we bring to you images from the event – live!

Let’s Create Together – Vilnius


On World Refugee Day, “Let’s Create Together” event was organized by Artscape with the support of UNHCR in Vilnius, Lithuania. Refugees, asylum-seekers & locals from across the country participated in the event with art workshops for children and possibility to enjoy performances for parents. UNHCR’s Spokesperson for Lithuania officially opened the event, followed by an inclusive performance by musician Jurgis Didziulis bringing everyone together.

Our event reached a wide range of people, including the attention of media outlets. See more images and details about the event.

We work together with refugees every day to build better futures.

Many things stopped during the COVID-19 pandemic but conflicts continued and we kept working. Refugees have been a vital part of our work, volunteering, treating, helping where possible.