A quest of love: Mujtaba’s Swedish integration
When Mujtaba Jahfary arrived in the tiny hamlet of Borrby, southern Sweden, four years ago, nobody had seen an Afghan refugee before. To some it came as a shock. “It was expensive to shave and cut my hair, so I looked like a Taliban,” says Jahfary, 29....
Observations from UNHCR on Estonia’s revised law proposal to amend the law on granting international protection
UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, has submitted our observations to the Estonian government’s revised law proposal amending the Act on Granting International Protection to Aliens and other related laws. In 2015, UNHCR submitted comments on the proposed amendments twice....
UNHCR observations to modalities surrounding the Citizenship test and Naturalization test in Denmark
UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, has submitted observations to the modalities surrounding the Citizenship Test and Naturalization Test in Denmark. The document is available...
UNHCR observations on the proposed restrictions to the Norwegian Immigration Act
UNHCR’s observations to the Norwegian government’s law proposal on curbing the number of asylum-seekers arriving in Norway.
Observations from UNHCR on Finnish law proposal on restricting rules for family reunification
UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, has submitted our observations to the proposed amendments of the Finnish Aliens Act regarding the rules for family reunification. The aim of the proposal is to make the rules for family reunification stricter. The amendment would extend...
Observations from UNHCR on the proposed amendments to the Finnish Aliens Act
UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, has submitted our observations to the proposed amendments of the Finnish Aliens Act. UNHCR welcomes the amendments to strengthen the role of the Finnish Immigration Service (Migri) as the single and central determining authority and...
Volunteers tackle prejudice against refugees in Latvia
As the Baltic nation prepares to accept an unprecedented number of refugees, a volunteer group is trying to change attitudes
UNHCR’s observations on Denmark’s proposed amendments to the Social Security legislation
UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, has submitted observations to the Danish government’s proposal to amend the Danish Social Security legislation and its explanatory memorandum (Widening the scope of persons receiving the integration benefit). The observations are...
UNHCR observations on law amendments to the Danish Aliens Act (L87)
UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, has submitted its observations on the proposed amendments to the Danish Aliens Act, L87 (Udskydelse af retten til familiesammenføring for personer med midlertidig beskyttelsesstatus, skærpelse af reglerne om tidsubegrænset...
UNHCR Observations to law amendments of the Danish Alien’s Act (L 62)
UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, has submitted its observations to the law amendments to the Danish Alien’s Act (L62), “Håndtering af flygtninge- og migrantsituationen”. Generally, UNHCR regrets the introduction of a range of restrictions in asylum...
Observations from UNHCR on law proposal on restrictions in the Finnish asylum system
UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, has submitted our observations to the Finnish government’s law proposal that seeks to introduce a number of restrictions in the Finnish asylum system. The proposed amendments include reductions of legal aid in the first instance, removal...
UNHCR observations on Danish law proposal to introduce carrier sanctions during border controls
UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, has submitted observations to the draft law proposal to introduce carrier sanctions during temporary intra-Schengen border controls in Denmark. The observations are available...