Swedish same-sex couple welcome Muslim family
Married couple Gabriella and Candel Webster host Syrian refugee Ahmad.
Observations from UNHCR on Denmark’s proposal to amend the Citizenship Act
UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, has submitted observations on Denmark’s proposal to amend the Danish Citizenship Act in regard to parents’ consent and a child’s ‘good conduct’, when the child derives Danish citizenship from a parent. The observations are available...
UNHCR Observations on Sweden’s proposed amendments to the law on reception of asylum-seekers
UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, has submitted its observations to the law proposal concerning activities for asylum-seekers and municipality placements of unaccompanied children. The observations are available here....
Denmark funds emergency response for the recent displacement crisis in Diffa, Niger
In 2015, the Lake Chad basin region witnessed increasing waves of violence followed by massive displacement. The Boko Haram group expanded its insurgency from north-eastern Nigeria to neighboring Cameroon, Chad and Niger, killing civilians and uprooting more than 2.7 million people. Since mid-march 2016, the situation in Niger has deteriorated significantly, leading to further displacements and urgent protection and humanitarian needs.
A bright point in darkness
In Iran, Zahra Mesbah was always at the back of the queue. In Iceland, on the other hand, she can even drive a car.
UNHCR’s observations to proposed law amendments to the Icelandic Act on Foreigners
UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, has submitted its observations to the Icelandic government’s law proposal on the Icelandic Act on Foreigners. The amendments are introducing a number of modifications in temporary permits for unaccompanied and separated children, duration...
Observations from UNHCR on Finnish law proposal on alternatives to detention of asylum-seekers
UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, has submitted our observations to the proposed amendments of the Finnish Aliens Act. The proposal has a number of objectives. Firstly, it seeks to improve the efficiency of the asylum procedure and ensure that rejected asylum-seekers...
Norway allocates 1.6 million USD for resettlement of Syrian refugees
The annual Norwegian contribution to UNHCR for achieving resettlement solutions will in 2016 be focused on aiding Syrian refugees in Lebanon, Turkey and Jordan.
“We Have Opened a Door We Cannot Shut” – Church and Mosque Unite
Observations from UNHCR on Estonian law proposal on preventing gender-based violence and trafficking
UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, has submitted our observations to the Estonian government’s law proposal that seeks to bring the national legislation in line with the European Convention on Preventing and Combating Violence against Women and Domestic Violence as well as...
UNHCR’s observations to the Icelandic government’s law proposal on the Foreigners’ Act
UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, has submitted its observations to the Icelandic government’s law proposal on the Icelandic Act on Foreigners. The amendments are introducing a number of modifications in increasing the number of Appeals Board members, transferring...
UNHCR observations on law proposal to restrict the possibility to obtain a residence permit in Sweden
UNHCR’s observations to the law proposal on restrictions of the possibility to obtain a residence permit in Sweden.