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Denmark as a Donor

Danish Contributions to UNHCR 

Denmark entered a five-year agreement with UNHCR for the period 2022-2026, and is committed to continued flexible contributions and support for sustainable solutions. In 2023, Denmark contributed a total of USD 96 million to UNHCR, of which USD 35.6 million was unearmarked. Denmark has consistently been a top donor to UNHCR.


Facts about Denmark as a UNHCR donor 

  • In 2023, Denmark provided important support to UNHCR’s response to the Sahel situation and the Sudan situation, and the Türkiye and Syria Earthquake Emergency Response.
  • In 2023, Denmark provided USD 7.5 million in urgent humanitarian support to the Afghanistan situation.
  • In 2023, Denmark was the 9th biggest government donor and the 5th largest donor per capita. 
  • Denmark’s thematic focus areas: Solutions and Innovation.

For more information on Danish funding, follow us on X.

Visit our reporting pages to see more contribution data.  

Opening doors to higher education

Denmark supports refugee education.

Meet Charlotte from Denmark

Support from Denmark enables our humanitarian colleagues to assist displaced people worldwide. 

Read more about the impact of Denmark’s contributions

Denmark funds emergency response for the recent displacement crisis in Diffa, Niger

Denmark funds emergency response for the recent displacement crisis in Diffa, Niger

In 2015, the Lake Chad basin region witnessed increasing waves of violence followed by massive displacement. The Boko Haram group expanded its insurgency from north-eastern Nigeria to neighboring Cameroon, Chad and Niger, killing civilians and uprooting more than 2.7 million people. Since mid-march 2016, the situation in Niger has deteriorated significantly, leading to further displacements and urgent protection and humanitarian needs.

Denmark funds protracted refugee crises in Africa at risk of being forgotten

Denmark funds protracted refugee crises in Africa at risk of being forgotten

UNHCR’s annual meeting of its executive committee, bringing together 140 states, came to a close Friday 9 October. Much attention was focused on the Afghan situation, and the world’s largest humanitarian crisis unfolding in Syria leading to refugees arriving in the thousands in Europe. However, the High Commissioner for Refugees, António Guterres, also urged donor countries not to forget the needs of the millions of people displaced from protracted crises creating refugee emergencies in several regions of Africa.

Denmark supports UNHCR with USD 10.3 million to refugee emergencies

Denmark supports UNHCR with USD 10.3 million to refugee emergencies

UNHCR is grateful for Denmark’s continued strong support to refugee emergencies. Denmark is the only donor to contribute with an Emergency Fund at the start of each year of USD 8.8 million (DKK 50.5 million), which is solely at UNHCR’s discretion to allocate where the need is the greatest.