The Norwegian Organisation for Asylum Seekers (NOAS) has examined Norway’s asylum law and practice related to access to territory, the application of the concept of safe third country and adherence to the principle of non-penalization of asylum– seekers for their illegal entry or presence. The report is commissioned and funded by UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, and is publicly available.
The analysis identifies a number of challenges and gaps in light of Norway’s international legal obligations and provides specific recommendations on how Norway should address these issues. This includes ensuring that all asylum-seekers and refugees have effective access to territory and to fair and efficient asylum procedures, and that asylum–seekers referred to a safe third country are not exposed to the risk of refoulement, including chain refoulement. The report specifically recommends Norway to reinstate the requirement of access to an adequate asylum procedure in the third country.
It is UNHCR’s hope that the report from NOAS will contribute to a continued dialogue with Norwegian authorities and government to strengthen the access to territory for asylum-seekers and the processing of asylum claims. In this regard, UNHCR also reiterates its recommendations to Norway on strengthening refugee protection which were put forward in November 2021.
The report is available here.
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