World Refugee Day 2023




Each year on June 20, the world celebrates World Refugee Day. This year, the focus will be on solutions for refugees and the power of inclusion.

We can all do more to give refugees more hope – and more opportunities – while they are away from home. Including refugees in the communities where they have found safety after fleeing conflict and persecution is the most effective way to support them in restarting their lives and enable them to contribute to the countries hosting them. It’s also the best way to prepare them to return home and rebuild their countries, when conditions allow them to do so safely and voluntarily, or to thrive if they are resettled to another country. Let’s commit to including refugees in our schools, workplaces, health care systems, and beyond.


Far too many refugees are left in limbo. They need more peace and fewer wars so they can return home safely. More chances to resettle in a new country. More freedom and opportunities. 


Refugees want to carry on with their lives – by getting an education, providing for their families, forging friendships. Actions like these give them hope, and skills. Refugees want opportunities, not handouts. 


Hope is not an idle wish. It’s a sense of becoming that is rooted in action. We give refugees hope when we empower them to take greater command of their daily lives.

What is World Refugee Day?


World Refugee Day is marked across the globe on 20 June every year to celebrate the strength and courage of refugees, create awareness of the plight of people forced to flee, and advocate for refugees’ right to safety.

This year, the focus will be on solutions for refugees and the power of inclusion.

Scroll down this page or follow us on Twitter as we highlight the activities surrounding #WorldRefugeeDay in the Nordic and Baltic Countries. 

World Refugee Day 2023

Each year, World Refugee Day is marked by a variety of events in many countries around the globe in support of refugees. Read our World Refugee Day Live Blog to discover some of the activities that are taking place.

This year, we also organize a range of activities and events in the Nordic and Baltic Countries. Check out below to see what is happening around the region!

🇸🇪 PASS THE MIC: World Refugee Day celebration in Stockholm

On World Refugee Day, UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, will be passing the mic to a group of people with refugee background and impactful stories to share.

Tickets are free but limited due to the capacity at the venue.

Location: Norrsken House, Stockholm
Date: 20 June 2023, 18:00-20:00

🇱🇹 Factors for successful integration of refugees

As a lead up to World Refugee Day, the Refugee Reception Center in Vilnius has invited experts to share their professional experiences and insights into what challenges refugees face when leaving their home country in search of safety and what is needed to make their integration and inclusion a success.

Location: Online 
Date: 15 June 2023, 10:00-11:30

🇱🇹 Why is it important to talk?

Artscape has invited partners – including UNHCR – to join a panel discussion event on the eve of World Refugee Day. The theme is “Why is it important to talk?”. UNHCR will share the latest global trends on people forced to flee and World Refugee Day messages. There will also be artistic performances by local and refugee artists.

Location: Lithuanian National Gallery
Date: 19 June 2023, 16:00-17:15

🇱🇻 What is it like to be a refugee in Liepaja?

This is the topic of our partner Shelter Safe House’s panel discussion. Our Senior External Relations Associate Anna Audere will in the panel together with refugees from Ukraine, representatives from Liepaja Council and a lawyer from Shelter Safe House.  

Location: Centrā “Namīns”, Bāriņu ielā 32, Liepaja.
Date: 19 June 2023, 18:00

🇸🇪 The Swedish Refugee Law Center

The Swedish Refugee Law Center brings together decision-makers, civil society, researchers and lawyers to shed light on people forced to flee. Two UNHCR staffers will participate in the discussions. Audiences will get the chance to listen to presentations and panel discussions about the development of migration policy, the challenges of asylum law and the situation of people who are forced.

Location: ABF-huset (Katasalen) in Stockholm or online
Date: 20 June 2023, 13:00-16:30

🇩🇰 Movies and quiz in Copenhagen

ActionAid invites you to join their World Refugee Day celebration event. Our spokesperson Elisabeth Arnsdorf Haslund, will share the latest statistics on people forced to flee. There will be film screening with Agob Yacoub and Monica & Manila Ghafuri about their journeys from Syria and Afghanistan. The evening ends with a quiz and bingo. 

Location: Fælledvej 12 (entrance B, Community Hall), Copenhagen
Date: 20 June 2023, 16:45-19:00

🇪🇪 Community festival in Tallinn

Do you want to meet refugees and hear their stories? Do you like tasting new and delicious food while listening to live music? Then join the Estonian Human Rights Centre and Estonian Refugee Council as they co-host a special World Refugee Day festival in Tallinn.

Location: Telliskivi 62 (the Baltic Station Market Quarter), Tallinn
Date: 20 June 2023, 18:00-21:00

🇫🇮 Refugee of the Year 2023 announcement

The Finnish Refugee Council will announce the Refugee of the Year 2023. The aim of the award is to highlight the stories and experiences of refugees, support them in their goals and dreams in their new home, and make their voices heard in public discussions about immigration. 

Location: Eurooppasali, Malminkatu 16, Helsinki
Date: 20 June 2023, 14:00-15:00

🇱🇹 Cultural Rhythms in Vilnius

Celebrate World Refugee Day with lots of great and diverse music at Kudrų parkas in Vilnius. At the event, musicians with refugee background will perform, and there will be workshops and activities for families and attendees. UNHCR will speak at the opening. 

Location: Kudrų parkas
Date: 20 June 2023, 18:00-22:00

🇩🇰 Screening of 'The Swimmers'

UN City in Copenhagen will have a screening of the movie ‘The Swimmers’ about the two Syrian sisters, Yusra Mardini and Sarah Mardini, who embark on a harrowing journey as refugees and later compete in the Rio Olympic Games. The screening will be followed by a panel discussion. 

Location: UN City, Copenhagen
Date: 22 June 2023, 16:30-20:15