In capital Riga, a one-stop reception center was quickly established to provide crucial services for the many Ukrainian refugees arriving.
Latvia has received more than 36,000 refugees from Ukraine since February. In March, a one-stop reception center was established in Riga – and on a daily basis, approximately 1,000 persons are visiting the center.
The purpose of the center is to provide Ukrainian refugees with all services that could be relevant for them, including for example registration for temporary protection, application for housing, enrolment of children in school, and psychosocial support – and all in the same place.
Many NGOs and volunteers are engaged in the center, including Valeria, who herself is a refugee from Ukraine:
“For me, the most important thing is that here people realize that they are not alone and that someone actually needs them. That someone is thinking about them,” says Valeria.
Learn more in this video:
As of 5 September, the one-stop reception center will be moved to another location in Riga, as to the number of arriving refugees from Ukraine has slowed down, the Riga municipality has informed.
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