Abdel Aziz Mahmoud is a Danish author, journalist and television presenter. His parents grew up in Lebanon as the children of statelessness Palestinians, but his father fled to Abu Dhabi in 1982 because he was threatened by the Syrian troops in Lebanon. Abdel Aziz Mahmoud was born in Abu Dhabi in 1983, but the family had to flee again in 1984 because the Lebanese Security and Intelligence Service threatened Abdel’s father due to his political opinions.
In Denmark, Abdel Aziz Mahmoud graduated as a journalist from the School of Journalism in Århus in 2007. He worked with Danish television news and with youth and consumer programmes. Abdel recently hosted the television programme “Adgang med Abdel” and the radio show “Shitstorm” for the Danish Broadcasting Cooperation.
He has just published a book “Hvor taler du godt dansk” which has been a bestseller in Denmark. The book centres on his own family background and integration into Danish society.
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