UNHCR’s Representation for the Nordic and Baltic Countries has submitted considerations for setting up preparatory education for asylum-seekers and refugees in Iceland.
The UNHCR Global Education Strategy 2030 highlights the educational challenges faced by refugee children, with many not attending primary or secondary school, leading to negative impacts on their future careers and livelihoods. In Iceland, a surge in arrivals in 2022 strained reception capacity, prompting the government to plan preparatory education programs for compulsory education, providing language and cultural studies for all migrants, including forcibly displaced individuals.
The UNHCR’s Refugee Education 2030 vision advocates for inclusive quality education in national systems, emphasizing the integration of displaced learners within the same school premises as local students. This should be part of the reception arrangements and factored in from the beginning of the planning. The focus is on avoiding separate educational facilities and implementing measures such as comprehensive assessments, regulatory adjustments, and multi-disciplinary cooperation to promote inclusive education.
To achieve inclusive education, UNHCR emphasizes early inclusion of displaced learners in local education programs, spanning from primary to secondary education levels. The approach involves providing support for teachers, differentiated learning based on individual needs, and cooperation with caretakers and the community.
Click below to read UNHCR’s Considerations for Preparatory Education for Asylum-Seekers and Refugees in Iceland:
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