In a podcast on education and integration, experts from UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, the University of Tartu in Estonia and the University of Turku in Finland discuss and compare refugee students’ inclusion in education in the Nordic and Baltic countries.
For children who have been forced to flee their homes, access to education in their new home country can offer safety and is often the key to inclusion.
In a new podcast episode organized by the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Office in Estonia, three experts on displacement, inclusion and education discuss the role of education in integrating newcomers in the Nordic and Baltic countries.
Kari Käsper, Associate Legal Officer at UNHCR Representation for the Nordic and Baltic Countries, emphasized the importance of including refugee children in the local education system, benefitting local communities and refugees alike.
Professor Tiit Tammaru from the University of Tartu and Tuire Palonen from the University of Turku spoke about the importance of schools for the integration and inclusion of both refugee students and their parents, and compared refugee inclusion in education between different Nordic and Baltic countries.
The full podcast episode is available to listen to here.
The podcast was produced as part of the FOR-IN project led by the Nordic Council of Ministers and UNHCR. The initiative aims to foster refugee and immigrant integration in the Nordic and Baltic countries through connecting actors including ministries, municipalities, NGOs and actors with refugee and migrant background.
On 24 October, the Nordic Council of Ministers’ Office in Estonia is organizing the conference Integration through education and engagement of local actors in Tallinn as part of the FOR-IN project together with UNHCR, the Estonian Ministry of Education and Research, the University of Tartu, Tartu Welcome Centre and the Embassy of Sweden in Tallinn.
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