UNHCR’s observations to the Swedish government’s inquiry “Ett ordnat mottagande – gemensamt ansvar för snabb etablering eller återvändande”, (SOU 2018:22), and the additional memorandum “Ett socialt hållbart boende för asylsökande”.
UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, has submitted its observations to the Swedish government’s law proposal on reception and care arrangements for asylum-seekers.
UNHCR notes that whilst the proposal makes reference to relevant EU law it would in several areas – such as the use of mandatory reception centers, reduction in benefits and children’s access to education – benefit from further analysis and consideration to State obligations under international human rights law. UNHCR emphasizes the centrality of applicable international human rights law and standards in the development and implementation of reception policies.
Furthermore, UNHCR underlines the importance of ensuring that families can be accommodated together at the same reception center to ensure that the principle of family unit is respected.
UNHCR’s observations are available here.
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