Military Attacks on Refugee Camps and Settlements in Southern Africa and Elsewhere
Military Attacks on Refugee Camps and Settlements in Southern Africa and Elsewhere
No. 32 (XXXIV) - 1983
The Executive Committee,
(a) Expressed profound concern at the continuation of military or armed attacks on refugee camps and settlements which was causing untold suffering to refugees, including women and children and elderly persons;
(b) Stressed the utmost importance and urgency of responding to this grave humanitarian problem;
(c) Took note of the report of the Sub-Committee of the Whole on International Protection (A/AC.96/629) which includes a draft statement of principles on the Prohibition of Military and Armed Attacks on Refugee Camps and Settlements;
(d) Noted with regret that it had not been possible to reach a consensus on these principles in the time available;
(e) Requested the Chairman to continue his consultations in order to seek final agreement on these principles with the least possible delay.