European asylum applications by citizens of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia for 1999
European asylum applications by citizens of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia for 1999
The number of FRY applications lodged in Europe during 1999 was "only" 23 per cent higher than during 1998. The very high peak in June 1999 (more than 20,000) was largely offset by very low numbers during the last part of 1999.
Germany's share in receiving FRY applications in Europe has remained relatively constant (25-30%).
However, the Swiss share has tumbled dramatically (from more than 25% during the January-July 1999 period to only 8% in September, October and December 1999).
Conversely, the United Kingdom, which received less than 10% of FRY applicants in Europe in January-June 1999, received more than 20% in September to December 1999.
Despite the recent decline in FRY applications, FRY remains the largest country of origin of asylum-seekers in Europe (11% in December 1999).