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Know the Facts

Know the Facts

A toolkit on asylum and migration for the European Elections 2019

Move refugees in Tripoli out of harm’s way, urges UNHCR

Move refugees in Tripoli out of harm’s way, urges UNHCR

UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency is calling for refugees and migrants in detention centres in conflict areas in Tripoli to be immediately evacuated to safety, after an airstrike hit a target less than 100 metres away from Tajoura detention centre, where over 500 refugees and migrants are being detained. More […]

Disembarkation of persons rescued by Sea-Eye (Alan Kurdi) vessel

Disembarkation of persons rescued by Sea-Eye (Alan Kurdi) vessel

UNHCR was present at the disembarkation in Malta of 62 persons rescued by the Sea-eye Alan Kurdi on Saturday 13th April 2019. After spending many days at sea they are relieved that the ordeal is over. We thank the Government of Malta in allowing the disembarkation and France, Germany, Portugal […]