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UNHCR urges Malta to sign Statelessness Conventions

UNHCR urges Malta to sign Statelessness Conventions

The UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) Office in Malta delivered an information package on Statelessnessto the Speaker of the House, Dr. Angelo Farrugia as part of the global campaign to eradicate Statelessness, iBelong.

UNHCR calls for stronger EU action on refugees

UNHCR calls for stronger EU action on refugees

In a paper presented to the European Union (EU) today, UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, called for a far-reaching reform of Europe’s global engagement with refugees, including the European asylum system.

UNHCR urges caution with returns

Throughout the years, Malta has received a number of asylum applications from persons who were rescued at sea and subsequently disembarked on the island.