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UNHCR provides winter support to refugees and Moldovans

UNHCR provides winter support to refugees and Moldovans

As temperatures across the Republic of Moldova dip below zero, Lena and her family struggle to make ends meet.  The war in Ukraine uprooted them from their Odesa home almost ten months ago, and forced them to seek safety in Moldova, where they still live.  Lena’s...

Asistența financiară, un instrument vital pentru incluziunea refugiaților

Asistența financiară, un instrument vital pentru incluziunea refugiaților

Când războiul din Ucraina a ajuns în orașul Kristinei*, ucigându-i soțul și distrugându-i casa, ea nu a avut altă opțiune decât să fugă. Femeia este acum unul dintre cei peste 96.000 de refugiați care au ales să rămână în Republica Moldova. Kristina a găsit siguranță...

A refugee from Ukraine starts anew in Chisinau with an eye on home

A refugee from Ukraine starts anew in Chisinau with an eye on home

Olesea’s family knew their home was not safe when a trip to the grocery store became so frightening: „I was coming home from buying bread for my family when I saw a fighter jet flying above me,” she recalls.  “Lots of smoke was coming out of the plane.  I got...